The Development Policy and Planning (DPP) Division is responsible for the formulation of long-term and medium-term development plans and policy frameworks vital for national and sub-national development.
The DPP Division is responsible for the following key functions:
1. Make proposals for the protection of the natural and built environments within the context of sound environmental principles.
2. Ensure even development of the districts of Ghana.
3. Work with other technical divisions of the Commission, the Policy Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PCMEU) of the Office of the President and other key stakeholders to identify critical national development issues and opportunities.
4. Evaluate policy options and priorities and work with national and subnational institutions in developing and updating comprehensive development policies and plans for national, sectoral, regional and district development.
5. Collaborate with other divisions of GSDA and the budget division of the Ministry of Finance during policy hearings and also contribute to the dissemination of research findings of public interest.
Major outputs of the DPP Division includes Medium-term National Development Policy Framework (MTNDPF), Long-term National Development Framework (LTNDF) and Long-term Ghana Infrastructure Plan (GIP).
The Research and Innovation (R&I) Division is responsible for conducting research into various aspects of national policy issues and functions as a repository of knowledge for purposes of learning and assisting other organizations as needed.
The R&I Division is responsible for the following key functions:
1. The continuous development of new initiatives aimed at effective development planning and policy making.
2. Conduct comprehensive research and studies in rationalizing, harmonizing and synthesizing the economic, social, environmental and spatial components of development for the purposes of preparing, reviewing and updating long-term perspective plans, medium-term development plans and annual action plans.
3. Produce policy recommendations on emerging national and international development issues.
4. Initiate research proposals in collaboration with other technical divisions of the Commission, academia, research institutions and Think Tank institutions.
The Division publishes and disseminates the National Development Monitor (NDM) and other research findings and reports.
The Development Coordination (DC) Division facilitates and synergizes the needed support for coordinating policy formulation, plan preparation, monitoring, evaluation and research at national and sub-national levels.
The DC Division is responsible for the following key functions:
1. Serve as the focal point for coordinating activities of the Commission and ensure effective collaboration with key stakeholders.
2. Develop and disseminate planning guidelines for the preparation of sector and district development plans, as well as regional integrated plans.
3. Ensure that comprehensive development plans and programmes are effectively carried out through integration and coordination of planning and development activities at national and sub-national levels to avoid potential duplications.
4. Approve and certify Medium-term Development Plans of MDAs and MMDAs.
5. Formulate the strategic planning component of the Medium-term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) for budgeting and fiscal decentralization.
6. Collaborate with the Ministry of Finance in the preparation of the national budget as well as the organisation of annual policy hearings to ensure that the Ministry or Agency’s budget is based on the Commission’s approved development plans and in line with national development priorities.
Major outputs of the DC division include Planning Guidelines, Medium-term National Development Plan (MTNDP) and Medium-term Development Plan approved certificate.
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Division is responsible for tracking and evaluating the implementation of development plans, policies and projects. The Division serves as a repository of selected data for MDAs and MMDAs.
The M&E Division is responsible for the following key functions:
1. Prepare guidelines and facilitate the preparation of sector and district M&E plans.
2. Prepare the National Annual Progress Report (APR).
3. Ensure that national development plans are constantly reviewed in line with prevailing domestic and international development conditions.
4. Make recommendations for the revision of existing policies and programmes where necessary.
5. Manage the National Monitoring and Evaluation Information System (NaMEIS) which serves as the database for key development indicators that track national, sectoral, regional and district development.
The key deliverables of the division include the M&E Guidelines and the National Annual Progress Report (APR).
The General Services (GS) Division is in charge of providing all the administrative and support services needed to enhance the operations and work of the four (4) technical Divisions to achieve the objectives of the Commission. The Division is made up of the following departments: Human Resources, Administration, and Finance & Accounts.
Within the framework of the overall objectives of the Commission, the GS Division is responsible for these key functions:
1. Prepare the annual report of GSDA.
2. Ensure prudent management of resources through the effective implementation, and monitoring of financial and administration policies, regulations, internal control systems and guidelines.
3. Design and implement systems, policies and procedures to support the proper recording, preparation and monitoring of all administrative, financial and HR processes, annual budgets and other relevant reports.
Some of the key outputs of the Division include the annual report of GSDA, procurement plan, training needs analysis report, succession plan and financial reports.
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Monday -Friday : 8am - 5pm
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